On Thursday 18th November and for several other Thursdays TBA between now and Xmas, Peter “Chilliman”, our expert Garmin member, will be conducting weekly casual runs starting from the Highly Tuned Athletes store at 579 Hampton St, Hampton.
Casual run will take you down South Road and along the scenic Bayside route to Black Rock Clock Tower and back again, known as the “Rat Trail”. Dont worry if you cannot keep up or don’t want to run the full distance, Peter will keep it at a easy pace and any speedsters can take off, or you can cut the run short and turn around at anytime, the group will pick you back up on the way through. (see map below). Full length of course is 16km.
Meet out the front of the shop before 6:30 pm, plenty of parking, EVERYONE WELCOME. Plus optional if you want, back for Pizza at around 8:15pm at Bay Crust Pizza, 569 Hampton street Hampton, 2 doors down. (best pizza for miles) Licensed, and BYO wine only.